Totem Quilt Top

This is one of the weekends of year where I obsessively watch Twitter posts to see what is going on at Quilt Market. I have a lot of friends there this year and am starting to wish I had gone as well. If you happen to be in Kansas City enjoying the scene, be sure to check out the Free Spirit Essentials booth and the Ty Pennington booth...I have quilts and patterns in both!

For those of us that are here blog-reading today, I thought I would share my latest quilt top. This time I decided to play around with triangles. I started with this Harmony Art organic fabric, Space Cowboy, print from Contemporary Cloth and then added coordinating reds, greens and grey/tans. I think this is going to make a fabulous throw blanket for the holidays. The Space Cowboy fabric is SUPER wide at 110", so even 1/4 yard gets you a TON of fabric. It's actually quite {happily} shocking when you are used to working with 42" wide fabrics.
I really didn't have a plan when I was cutting my triangles. I just started laying them out, playing with different designs. I ended up with something that sort of reminds me of a totem pole. If you happen to be one of the lucky ones with a ticket to the Sewing Summit this year, Kati and I will be teaching a class all about sewing Angles and we will spend some time on triangles like these.

In other news here, I bought my daughter her first sewing machine. It's a Hello Kitty Janome and she is loving every minute of using it. She is only 5-1/2 so I obviously do all the rotary cutting and ironing. She does the sewing while I make sure she keeps her fingers away from the needle. Her first project was a little blanket for her dolls. She was SO proud. Since then she has made a little wonky star pillow for them too.

This is also the time of the year where we spend a lot of time outdoors. The flowers are blooming and the kids are riding bikes all afternoon.

It's a lot of fun after being stuck inside all winter.

Last year I did a community garden plot which was HUGE (600 sq ft, I jokingly called it my farm). I had a great time but it took a lot of time so this year I scaled back and just have a couple raised beds in my backyard.

So that post was a bit all over the place - sorry! Be sure to visit tomorrow as I am the stop on a book blog hop and will have *another* giveaway announced!