Sugar Pop

I don't have anything new to show you today, so I thought I'd share some fabric I picked up last month. These are some of the prints from Liz Scott's Sugar Pop for Moda. I bought them from the Fabric Shack and just love the colors and designs.
Writing about the Fabric Shack is reminding me that the International Quilt Festival in Cincinnati is coming up. This is the show that used to be in Chicago, this will be the first year in the new location. Although having the show local last year was great, this new location is also quite handy for me as my family lives in Cincinnati. I am planning on a visit with my parents and going to the show with my mom.
And the reason the Fabric Shack reminded me of the's only about 45 minutes away from downtown Cincinnati. I'm sure a lot of people will be making the trip to visit in Waynesville (which is a cute little antique town in itself.) If you are in town, it's worth the drive!