Stage 2 ~ Complete!
Poinsettia Quilt Progress : Fresh Lemons Quilts
I'm inching towards the finish line! A few posts back, I mentioned that I considered the paper piecing of the corner block components "Stage 1" of making this quilt. In my mind, assembling those components into their final blocks was "Stage 2". This week I wrapped up that task.
Poinsettia Quilt Progress : Fresh Lemons Quilts
I seriously love chain piecing. It's a bit mindless at times...but boy does it get the job done quickly and efficiently. I make all my blocks at once, dedicating a couple hours each morning to piecing specific sections together.
Poinsettia Quilt Progress : Fresh Lemons Quilts
Now for "Stage 3" ~ assembling those filler blocks that will pull the whole thing together.
Poinsettia Quilt Progress : Fresh Lemons Quilts
You may notice that I unstitched a bit of the section I made 2 years ago. When I picked this project up again, I had additional fabrics I wanted to use - both in the cream/white prints and the colors. I didn't want it to be totally obvious that those prints weren't in that original section. So I decide to spread those blocks out a bit.
My goal was to finish this quilt by Christmas. That's not going to happen. But I think after the holiday's it should come together quickly and will be my first official finish of 2015.