Scrappy Trip Along

If you are on Instagram, you are probably aware of the impromptu quilt along that started in the last week, the Scrappy Trip Along. It really began quite innocently, when Brenda, Katy and Megan became making quilts using the Scrappy Trips Around the World tutorial on the Quiltville website.
Well, I was bit by the bug and decided this was a great first project of 2013 - something spontaneous and fun! It's a bit refreshing to just be able to jump into the party.

I decided to go a bit outside my comfort zone with my colors. I'm not sure if I love it or hate it so far, but I am pushing forward. The more blocks I add, the more it grows on me. It feels all sorts of wrong to not have orange in there, but it is the one color I'm leaving out.

It's super windy here today so I could get a photo of all the blocks together outside. The color here is a little off, but you get the picture.
Hopefully I'll have more progress to show over the next couple weeks. I am planning on 30 blocks, so I have 21 to go. If you are on Instagram, check out the tag #scrappytripalong for hundreds of photos! There is also a Flickr group with 450+ members and growing.