MoMo Wonderland Redux

Finally, the quilt I've been working on here and there for 2 months is finished! Several projects came and went while my second MoMo Wonderland quilt sat waiting patiently for me to find time to work on it. Last night, while the snow was falling and we were watching Charlie Brown, I finally found the time to hand stitch the binding.
I just love this fabric and sadly, this is the last of my stash. I used a layer cake for the front. I cut each piece in half, sewed 2 together and then cut them to squares. The back is my favorite MoMo Wonderland print - the butterflies. I just happened to stumble across them at one of my local quilt shops. So lucky!
I quilted this one with straight lines. It was my first time using the walking foot on my new Bernina. W-O-W. It is SO much better than my old Walmart Brother walking foot! I see a lot more straight line quilting in my future. In one direction, the lines are quilted 1/4" on each side of the seams. (So 2 lines in that direction) In the other direction I quilted down the seams. (So 1 line in that direction). The final quilt measures 38" x 54".