Love Notes

I had big plans to post this quilt yesterday and wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day - but some sort of stomach bug had even bigger plans at our house. Luckily my husband was spared and took great care of us and the house, and now everyone is feeling a bit better. (Kids sure bounce back faster than adults!)

I'm pretty pleased with out my little low volume quilt turned out. As I mentioned earlier this week, I used the "Inside Voices" fabric bundle, sent to me by Amanda at Westwood Acres. I just checked and I see they are out of the bundle, but keep an eye on their shop, they were so popular that I'm sure there will be new bundles in the future!

I decided to feature bold pops of red and pink with the quieter neutral prints in the quilt. I think this is a fun way to draw attention to a single color family or range. I chose my colors in honor of Valentine's Day this week.

All my cut pieces were 3.5" wide. The lengths varied from 3" to 4.5". The finished quilt measures around 44" x 45". It was fairly easy to assemble - simply sew the fabric into strips/columns and then sew those together to make the top. I didn't pin my strips together when sewing them to form the top and I regret that. I ended up with some drifting and a not perfectly square top that gave me fits. Sigh, live and learn.

The backing is a dot from Tanya Whelan's Delilah Fabric. The binding is a fabric called Running Stitch by Patty Young's Lush collection. I quilted this one free motion with little loops all over. I do love the finished product, and the size is perfect for a baby quilt.

Next up - basting a quilt I finished for my son. Not sure if I have the energy to make it to the sewing room today, but hopefully this weekend!