Heather Ross Smocked Sundress

Last October, for my birthday, my husband bought Weekend Sewing, by Heather Ross. I had heard mixed reviews of it (apparently there are quite a few errors in it), but I thought it'd be great for inspiration at least. There were definitely a few projects in it that I wanted to make for my daughter. Fast forward through birthdays and holidays, and I had forgotten about it. Then earlier this week I was in the Buggy for Heather Ross Flickr group, and someone posted a link to a video from Martha Stewart where Heather Ross was a guest. She showed how to do the smocking on an adorable little sundress from her book. Instantly I was hooked!
This afternoon I made the dress for my daughter. It is really simple. From the comments on the Martha Stewart page, it looks like you need to use metal bobbins. Overall I'd say it took me about an hour to make.
As you can see by the photos, Avery is a fan. I could barely get her to stop moving to take the pictures. I love having a little girl. :) I know it's odd that I made this dress in February. I am SO TIRED of winter and cold and snow (we are supposed to get MORE tomorrow night!) So this dress represents my hope that warm temperatures are just around the corner.

ETA: Well, I decided I needed a cute smocked sundress too. I bought some Dolce Ella Grey fabric and downloaded a free pattern off Heather Ross' website. Can't wait!