Happy New Year!
Sugarplum Medallion Quilt Progress : Fresh Lemons Quilts
Happy New Year everyone! It's been a few weeks since I've visited this space. I have been fully enjoying my children's time off from school and the holiday season. Yesterday we settled back into our routine, and I finished up the Sugarplum Medallion block trimming from last month.
Sugarplum Medallion Quilt Progress : Fresh Lemons Quilts
I'm finding it a bit tricky to sit down at the machine due to a new addition in our home - meet our new yorkie, Benzie.
Benzie the Yorkie : Fresh Lemons Quilts
I never mentioned it here on the blog, but our 12 year old yorkie Delux died last September of kidney failure. It was terrible to watch and just very, very hard on the whole family. The thought of another dog was sort of unimaginable...but a few months later I so missed having a little friend around and the joy that a pet brings.
Benzie the Yorkie : Fresh Lemons Quilts
So we have a puppy. I forgot about all that goes with a puppy - watching them constantly, the potty training...he is my little buddy and I've been doing some hand sewing with him nearby.
Benzie the Yorkie : Fresh Lemons Quilts
I'm sure he will be popping up here and there - if not on the blog, on Instagram. I hope all of you had a great December and are as ready as I am to welcome in a new year and fresh beginning.