Fresh Spool Series ~ Log Cabin Spool Block Pattern
Fresh Spool Series ~ Log Cabin Spool Block Pattern
Welcome to week three of the Fresh Spool Series! I hope you've been enjoying making these little spool blocks as much as I have. This week I'm sharing my Log Cabin Spool block pattern.
Fresh Spool Series ~ Log Cabin Spool Block Pattern
This pattern is slightly different than the previous spool blocks. When you download your template, you will notice that you need to paper piece the smaller sides of the spool first, and then use those segments when you paper piece the finished spool block. (If you are new to foundation paper piecing, you can find a tutorial on my blog.)
Fresh Spool Series ~ Log Cabin Spool Block Pattern
You can download your own copy of the 6" x 6" Log Cabin Spool Quilt Block Pattern by clicking on the image below, or this link. As with all paper piecing patterns, be sure to print this pattern at "100%" or "Actual Size", and check the 1" scale icon before starting.
You can find the previous spool patterns on my blog by visiting the Paper Piecing Templates section of the Tutorials page or clicking the links below:
Don't they all look cute together?
Fresh Spool Series ~ Log Cabin Spool Block Pattern
I can't wait to see what you all come up with!