Crosses and Losses Quilt Blocks
And then there were four. I spent more time yesterday cutting out background pieces for my Crosses and Losses blocks. Slow going to be sure! Usually I'm a huge planner and would do all my cutting, then all my piecing of segments (in this case, half square triangles), all my trimming, then all my final block assembly. I guess I'm feeling a bit antsy to see immediate progress because I have decided to focus my efforts on making a handful of blocks at a time.
Crosses and Losses Quilt Blocks
I cut my next twelve bright fabrics and started chain piecing those. I promise it's more than it looks in this pile. Because these blocks finish up at 8", some of the HSTs are on the smaller side. I hope to get some time between errands today to get these trimmed up and pieced into more Crosses and Losses quilt blocks. Stay tuned!