Final Blocks and a Big Delivery
Modern Solids progress : Fresh Lemons Quilts
I hope you aren't tired of seeing these blocks, but I have good news for you if you are. These are the final few! I am done with the paper piecing and will be completing the quilt top and quilting this week. I'm really excited to share with you the finished quilt soon ~ and the story about how I came up with the blocks and design.
Quilt Patterns : Fresh Lemons Quilts
Last week I had a big delivery on my front porch - many, many, many copies of my paper patterns. I am happy to announce I've been picked up by a few wholesale distributors (Brewer, Checker, and E.E. Schenck Co.). If you are a shop owner and buy through one of these companies, I hope you will consider carrying my pattern line. They are already listed at Brewer, Checker (search Fresh Lemons Quilts as the Vendor) and hopefully will be up soon at E.E. Schenck Co. And for you non shop owners, you can still buy patterns (paper and PDF) in my online shop here on the blog.
Bird Wings : Fresh Lemons Quilts
I spent a bit of time yesterday working with my daughter on her Halloween costume. She really likes these bird wings (found here and here). I usually don't really make costumes - I know, I know. But this one seemed pretty straight forward and we are able to make it together. She of course picked out 2 of my most hoarded out of print fabrics (the orange Henna Garden by Sandi Henderson and the Pink Coriander by Amy Butler). Looks good in the wings though! If we don't mess the project up too much, I'll share the finished costume here next month. :)
Ok, back to work finishing the Modern Solids quilt!