Cherry Blossom Inspiration
Cherry Blossom Inspiration
I spent the last week in Washington, DC with my family, enjoying our Spring Break. And what a Spring Break it was - so much in bloom and blue sunny skies. We landed on March 26th, right at the cherry blossom peak.
Cherry Blossom Inspiration
It was absolutely beautiful weather...and a Saturday...and we enjoyed walking the Tidal Basin with what felt like millions of our closest friends. :)
Cherry Blossom Inspiration
When I downloaded my photos off my camera yesterday, I decided I just had to make a cherry blossom fabric pull. The whites, delicate pinks, touch of green and orange, mixed with the blue skies. This would be perfect for a spring quilt.
Cherry Blossom Inspiration
My kids were at a great age to explode Washington, DC. They earned 3 more Junior Ranger badges (National Mall and Memorial Parks, Ford's Theater, and a special Cherry Blossom badge). They absolutely loved learning about our nation's past and government, and seeing buildings and monuments that they had only read about in books.
Cherry Blossom Inspiration
It was a *lot* of walking but I am really proud of how well everyone did! I really think everyone should take at least one trip to Washington, DC. (Maybe not during Spring Break, unless you love crowds!) The flowers are hard to resist though.
Cherry Blossom Inspiration
I'm happy to be back home and in our routine again. The house is quiet, the kids are in school.
Cherry Blossom Inspiration
If you emailed me or placed and order, thank you for your patience while I was away. I'm working on getting all caught up and back stitching at the machine.