Beauty is You by Cori Dantini

Thank you so much for all your wonderful words about my Cutting Edge quilt! I was really surprised to see so many comments here and on Flickr, you guys really made my day. :)

I didn't do any sewing over the weekend. We drove to Cincinnati for a trip to see our family and then did a bit of Father's Day relaxing once we got home. I feel like I could sleep another 10 hours this morning, but I guess 3 and 5 year olds don't feel that way and were up early - on with the coffee!

I was happy to come home to some new fabric, Beauty is You by artist Cori Dantini. I snapped some pictures without ironing it, but I'm sure you can see how beautiful this fabric is.

The fabric line has two different fabric panels - one with three large pictures and one with several smaller pictures. I love these and plan to make them the centers of my blocks.

I think this fabric is just starting to pop up for sale. I bought mine in a bit of an impulse when I saw it in the Hawthorne Threads newsletter.

You can also find it at Lark Cottons and on Etsy. You can see more close up photos of the fabric in my Flickr photo stream.

Off to do a bit of morning sewing before swim lessons. Happy Monday everyone!