A Weekend with Friends and Some Housekeeping

The drive up from Chicago was about 5-1/2 hours, but having the car to myself, perfect weather, and beautiful scenery made it not so bad.

Jeni and Holly did some fabric dying and everything turned out great. Lee and I did mostly sewing and I was VERY excited to finish the twin quilt top for my daughter's bed, which focuses on Sarah Jane's Children at Play fabrics.

Holly's parents own an awesome BBQ restaurant in town called The White House.

I seriously cannot resist pulled pork and baked beans.

Here I am hanging out in the front with some of the presidents that were carved out of a giant log.
I am so thankful to have such great sewing and blogging friends in the midwest. These get togethers are always so fun and really refresh me.

Now that I'm back home, tonight is the first Naperville Modern Quilt Guild meeting. For those in the Chicago western suburbs, I hope you will come! I don't really know anything about it yet, but I will be there.
Onto the housekeeping. I know many of you have signed up to be notified by email when there is a new post on my blog. I'm running into a technical issue where I have more subscribers than I'm allowed to send out emails. I'm working on tweaking various settings to try to fix the problem, but really I can't test it except for when I make a blog post. Sooooo, hopefully I will get it resolved soon but I just can't say when. In the meantime, if you aren't getting emails, you can still keep up with my latest posts on Facebook and Google Reader by adding the RSS feed.