A Pick Up Sticks Update and Weekend Fun
I'm back! I had a great few days away in Michigan and am now busy unpacking from our trip and getting ready for my sister and her family to arrive in town tomorrow! While I was gone, one of my lovely readers emailed me and told me she found the latest copy of Modern Quilting Magazine, with my Pick Up Sticks pattern, at her Barnes & Noble. You can read more about the quilt and magazine here. On our drive home I stopped at the bookstore and found my own copy. :)

The issue is the one with "Meet Tula Pink" on the cover (Issue 2). While I was flipping through the magazine looking for my quilt and pattern, I saw this!

Not gonna lie, I was pretty excited to see my blog photo. :) It was all I could do not to bust out and tell the check out girl about it. She already was looking at me weird for buying a quilting magazine with a giant smile on my face. Ha
So if you are interested in making the quilt or seeing any of the other wonderful patterns in the magazine, go check out your local Barnes & Noble. The magazine is $10 (as it is an international magazine).
I also thought I'd share a few fun pictures from our weekend. We were up at Crystal Lake in northern Michigan. The water is really this clear.

The kids did their first tubing with Mr. Fresh Lemons. You don't think they liked it do you?

Even my husband's 91 year old grannie took a jet ski out.



I hope everyone else had a wonderful holiday. It's almost the weekend again!