A Finished Quilt Top
Poinsettia Quilt Top : Fresh Lemons Quilts
Thank you all so much for your wonderful and kind comments on my poinsettia quilt so far. I was especially happy to read those that commented on the enjoyment of seeing this quilt come together step by step. This has been a newer goal of mine for the blog - not to just pop in with a finished quilt and say "Ta da! Another one finished!"
Poinsettia Quilt Top : Fresh Lemons Quilts
We all know what goes into making a quilt. Planning, cutting, stitching, more cutting, more stitching, basting, quilting, binding.... I think it's important to show all these things, not only because each step is exciting and beautiful, but also so that we don't set false expectations surrounding what goes into creating something handmade.
Poinsettia Quilt Top : Fresh Lemons Quilts
I've finished the quilt top and backing. The backing fabric is one I bought several months ago. It is a print by Anna Maria Horner that was first available in Home Dec weight, but has since been rereleased in a quilting cotton. It is called Sketchbook in ivory and is part of her Hand Drawn Garden collection for FreeSpirit Fabrics. (I first used this print, in the home dec weight, on my Loulouthi Crosses quilt back in 2011.)
Poinsettia Quilt Top : Fresh Lemons Quilts
I've also pretty much finished the pattern for this quilt. As I said in my earlier posts, this quilt is based off my Poinsettia Mini Quilt pattern, but with additional blocks. I can't wait to release it! (Thinking next week - but don't quote me on that!) Today is officially basting day, so I'd best get busy!